New Demo , v 0.1.1

Hey all!

We've made a few adjustments to the demo. Nothing major for now, but we added a "Quick Play" Option in case you want to try out the level without doing any of the story bits. It's basically an accelerated tutorial with some infinite spawning.

The normal game is now called "Play Story".

You can also play the boss fight without playing anything else by clicking on the button in the top left corner.

As an update on where we are with the game, I'm currently doing some clean up and upkeep of all the basic systems, so we can readily expand the game and add more levels, enemies and mechanics.
I'm also adding some basic options like Volume controls and button rebinding.

Hopefully you'll be able to see all of this and more very very soon.

Carpe Noctem!


Slice And Bite - Demo 1.1 213 MB
May 25, 2023

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